

I provide conferences for a wide variety of people, groups, businesses or associations from diverse professions (lawyersbusiness owners, accountantstax specialists and other professionals) interested in business valuation and its many facets.

I have been giving conferences for many years on the different aspects of business valuation. Please contact me and it will be my pleasure to discuss my conference offerings with you.

Are you a professional with compulsory training requirements? My conferences can be used to meet the training requirements of your professional order.

Here is a partial list of training sessions/conferences that I have given over the past few years.

Annual Institute of Family Law of the County of Carleton Law Association, Montebello.

Conference on how to determine the available income of a business owner for support payment purposes.

Gatineau M&A Club

Conference on the value of a business.

Business Club, Montreal

Conference for business people on the different aspects of business valuation.

Conference for family lawyers from the Outaouais region

Conference on the determination of available income for support payment purposes and on the fair market value of a business.

Annual conference of the Association des avocats et avocates de province (Quebec)

Conference on business valuation notions.

Annual conference of the Association des avocats et avocates de province (Quebec)

Conference on the determination of available income for support payment purposes.

My valuation report of a business

When I perform a valuation engagement, the results of the valuation process will meet the standards of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (CICBV) in one of the following four reports:

Summary valuation reportCalculation of value$3,500 and more

  • A summary calculation of value report (3 pages)
  • Valuation spreadsheets (7-12 pages) with explanation of the determination of the value of the appraised business
  • Scope of the review: limited

Valuation reportCalculation of value$5,500 and more

  • A calculation of value report (7-9 pages)
  • Valuation spreadsheets (10-15 pages) with a more detailed explanation of the determination of the value of the appraised business
  • One hour of consultation
  • Scope of the review: includes a summary financial analysis

Valuation reportEstimate of value$15,000 and more

  • An estimate of value report (12-15 pages)
  • Valuation spreadsheets (15-30 pages) with a more detailed explanation of the determination of the value of the appraised business
  • Comments from an expert on remuneration at fair market value
  • Appraisal of equipment and real estate assets by an expert, if applicable

* I can also prepare a Comprehensive valuation report at a cost of $30,000 and more, which includes an in-depth analysis of the business.

Why choose Jean-Claude Desnoyers?

Jean-Claude Desnoyers is a Fellow of the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants (FCPA) and a Chartered Business Valuator (CBV). He is a Member of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (CICBV), the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec (CPA) and the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA). Since 1999, he has appraised over 2,000 SMEs. Perfectly bilingual, he serves clients in the language of their choice.

Chartered Business Valuators

Chartered Professional Accountants