
My services

As a Fellow of the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants (FCPA, FCA) and a Chartered Business Valuator (CBV), it is my pleasure to put my expertise at your disposal and provide you with high-quality services in a timely and effective manner.

Expert Évaluateur d'Entreprises

Business Valuation

Do you want to be certain of the value of a business?

Support en achat et vente d’entreprise

Business Acquisition and Sale

Are you in the market to buy or sell a business and want to be sure of its fair market value?

Support dans le cadre d’une réorganisation fiscale

Tax Reorganization

Are you considering transferring a business and want to minimize potential problems with tax authorities?

Support en relève d’entreprise

Business Succession

Do you wish to sell or transfer your business at fair and equitable price for all?

The advantages of hiring a CBV

Valeur Juste

Fair value

Determine the fair market value of a business is complex and requires specialized knowledge and reliable expertise.
Expertise reconnu

Recognized expertise

CICBV Standards of Practice are considered industry standards by many Canadian regulatory bodies.
Formation rigoureuse

Rigorous training

CBVs must complete graduate-level studies offered by York University and the Canadian Institute of Business Valuators (CICBV) and pass the CICBV’s final exam.
Expert Indépendant

Independent expert

The Code of Ethics of the CICBV ensures and safeguards the quality of services provided by its members and their professional conduct.
businesses appraised
years of experience

Why choose Jean-Claude Desnoyers?

Jean-Claude Desnoyers is a Fellow of the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants (FCPA) and a Chartered Business Valuator (CBV). He is a Member of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (CICBV), the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec (CPA) and the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA). Since 1999, he has appraised over 2,000 SMEs. Perfectly bilingual, he serves clients in the language of their choice.

Chartered Business Valuators

Chartered Professional Accountants